Wednesday, January 4, 2012

party planning stress mode will commence in...3...2...1...HOLY CRAP!!!

Now that the new year has started i have to say its going off with out a hitch so far... husband got and email saying that he has been accepted to the AGR program so i hope we will hear something about that soon!! and we registered for school i am pursuing my MBA, and i have started going to the GYM!! haha we will see how long this lasts i really do picture myself bathing suit ready this year. my little one is turning 1! and i am in party planning mode though the husband would rather just not hear about it and just show up when i even bring up the topic of anything crafty he gets this sort of glazed look on his face and just begins to smile and nod at me lol though i still go on with what i have to say so when the day comes that he has to fork over his wallet he cant say what you didn't tell me this... i can say remember we had this conversation and u smiles and said yes... i hope i can con my very good friend who i don't get to see as often as i would like La Vicky as she is called in our home lol to help me make this thing happen and of course my very talented and jack of all trades my mother in law who very rarely disappoints me... she usually goes along with all my crazy ideas. i am doing a vintage carnival themed party...i hope i can pull this off... i have been looking at some really great tutorials this week i'm feeling very crafty!